Put the Kettle On
I’m not one to jump on a trendy bandwagon, but I do love a good Pumpkin Spice Latte, especially one made with 2 simple ingredients. When Nescafe offered me a jar of Taster’s Choice instant coffee, I put the kettle on and got right to it. The kettle I’m currently using is getting a bit old now, so I’ve been looking at the best induction hob kettle uk. Since I make hot drinks at least five times a day, I definitely need a decent kettle. Especially for making pumpkin spiced lattes with! Instant coffee and a scoop of pumpkin pie ice cream – that’s it. I swear. The ice cream melts in the hot coffee and somehow makes a beautiful froth magically appear on top. I’ll admit I discovered this by accident one morning. There I was, desperate for a good cup of coffee, but had no milk or sugar. Had I joined the army years ago, I would’ve grown accustomed to drinking my coffee black when I was looking to brew fresh coffee at home, but, no, I can’t do without cream and sugar. That’s when I reached for the ice cream and a new addiction was born. I can’t start my day until I have had coffee. I think everybody should Drink more Coffee; there’s no reason to be annoyed at anything when coffee tastes this good.
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Makes 1 cup
1 tsp Nescafe Taster’s Choice instant coffee
1 cup hot water
1 scoop pumpkin pie ice cream
The holidays are upon us and Dooms-Day Preppers have nothing on me. I stock-pile craft supplies like tomorrow is the end of the world. Since my li’l Daisy was off from school, I stayed home to enjoy the day with her. Out came the grapevine wreaths, miles of sparkly ribbon, cute ornaments. The recent windstorm had knocked some branches off the old sycamore tree in our yard. We collected a few nice ones and spray-painted them an antique gold. We tucked the ends of the branches here and there between the twisty grapevine, added a cute Native American mouse couple with a baby in a papoose, finished with a festive ribbon. I don’t know how much time had passed, just that I was totally relaxed and happy. Daisy eventually lost interest and sneaked off to watch tv. That’s when I put the kettle on and made a cozy Pumpkin Spice Latte. After a few sips, I was ready to work on another wreath.
Hiding in an old tea tin was a batch of gingerbread cookies in the shape of ninja warriors. It’s quite possible that they came out of the oven 3 years ago and were now proper petrified. Those got tied to a snowy flocked wreath with red ribbon around their waists to make the cutest Christmas gift for Daisy’s karate teacher. When I ran out of ribbon, I grabbed my Nescafe and a paperback. One of my friends suggested I read The Hundred-Foot Journey set in India and centered on my favorite subject, FOOD. I settled onto my favorite couch (we have 4) and enjoyed some me-time.
The Test of Time
Nescafe has been around for ages. I should know – I’m old. My grandfather used to drink Taster’s Choice every morning after his tea. Both my grandmothers used to spike my milk with a bit of the stuff and that’s when I developed my taste for good coffee. It’s still my favorite. Those who says “Coffee is coffee” know nothing about coffee. There’s a lot of bad coffee out there. You know you’ve had it when it leaves your mouth tasting like you’ve licked the bottom of an ashtray. Good coffee warms you down to your bones and the last drop leaves you wanting more. Taster’s Choice instant coffee is always in my pantry.
It had been a productive day and I felt so good. Cleaning the floors, dusting, washing dishes, even folding the blasted laundry never felt as rewarding. Doing anything creative is so rewarding, especially if you have cute little helpers with wild imaginations. Coffee is a must for me and Taster’s Choice has been my favorite for ages. I just love the stuff. I mix it with sugar into cold milk for breakfast, sprinkle it over a bowl of frosted flakes, sneak it into anything I bake with chocolate. It’s brilliant on ice cream, too. The Pumpkin Spice Latte is a new addiction. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
sippitysup says
Oh the video is charming! GREG
Happy Happy Nester says
Oh my goodness what a perfect idea for a coffee drink! You are a genius! I so want to try making this!