There are things that I never thought of doing before, like making my own vanilla extract. (Too late.) That inspired making my own perfume. Culinary grade lavender oil is used more often at the homestead for pampering my li’ll sweetheart with foot soaks than in baking. Now with Mother’s Day approaching, it will serve another luxurious purpose, as a delicious homemade fragrance just for Mom. Non-toxic, 100% food-grade and fun for the kids to make, DIY Vanilla Lavender Perfume is a simple project costs less than $20, but to Mom, it will be priceless.
Pretty atomizer perfume bottles are available online and come with small funnels to help fill them more efficiently. To make things extra-special for Mom, the kids painted white Chinese take-out boxes with acrylic paint and used them as gift boxes for the perfume bottles. Your local restaurant supply and craft stores will have the boxes. The kids will easily be able to save up their allowance for this one and be proud that they made Mom’s gift by hand.
DIY Vanilla Lavender Perfume
Makes about 1.5 oz
cute atomizer perfume bottle (1.64 oz capacity) -$12
3 Tb (1.5 oz) vanilla extract– $3
10 drops lavender oil – $1
Undo the lid of the atomizer bottle.
Add vanilla extract and lavender oil to the bottle.
Secure lid, give the bottle a bit of a shake.
Wrap and present to Mom with a handmade card for that finishing touch. Lavender’s calming effects combined with the sweet scent of vanilla create the perfect mood for what Mom stands for, the comforts of Home. This is a fun and easy project for the kids. They will love giving Mom something they made themselves and she will enjoy their dedication every time she spritzes sweet lavender. For more great gift ideas, hop over to my friend Janine’s site Happy Happy Nester and see what inspires you. She has a homemade soap tutorial that’s so fun and special. If you’re looking for something sparkly for Mom, she’s got some beautiful and affordable jewelry suggestions. Then if you’re still puzzled, take a look at some of her favorite things to give mom.
TheKitchenLioness says
Dear Colette, what an absolutely wonderful and sweet idea for a proper Mother´s Day gift! Love the idea of making/mixing your own perfume and love the idea of having the kids paint Chinese take-out boxes with acrylic paint to make some lovely gift boxes!
You come up with the most wonderful creative projects!
Hugs to you!